Our Security

We take our role in ensuring the security of our customers seriously. 

Employee Screening

Each PrecisionX employee is subject to an extensive background investigation, including a check of their criminal, financial, educational, and professional history. We perform reference checks, and check to ensure that each potential candidate has the necessary training and experience to fill the role for which they are applying.

Ongoing Training

Training relating to internal policies and procedures, especially those relating to information security, are provided for all employees at the time they are hired and on a semi-annual basis throughout their employment. Employees are trained on how to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of internal and customer systems, and are specifically trained on ensuring the privacy of customer information.

Secure Systems

All PrecisionX internal and external facing systems are operated in a secure manner. We employ anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-ransomware techniques, protecting against unauthorized loss or disclosure of confidential information. All internal and external facing systems are operated utilizing infrastructure providers which posses, at a minimum, SOC II, ISO 27001, and FedRAMP certifications. All employee workstations are monitored and managed utilizing Mobile Device Management (MDM) technology, ensuring they are secure and up to date.

Secure Operations

Day to day operations are focused on maintaining the security of our operations. All PrecisionX facilities and remote workers employ measures to help ensure the security of all systems and information under all operating conditions. All electronic confidential information is stored in on encrypted storage devices. PrecisionX is a paperless company, and as such, we typically do not store paper records in any form. Those that must be stored for legal or regulatory reasons are stored utilizing locking containers located in our offices or remote locations.

Supply Chain Security

PrecisionX has policies and procedures designed to protect operations at all levels, including ensuring the security of our supply chain. All vendors are reviewed, and subjected to screening from a legal, regulatory, and information security perspective. Measures are taken to ensure that each vendor has in place the necessary protections to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of any information which they are entrusted to protect.