software development

Solutions for software development

Developing quality modern applications requires more than just source code and compilers. To develop at the speed demanded by today's customer, a holistic DevOps strategy is required.

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DevOps Conslutation

Source code versioning, automated testing, continuous integration / continuous development, and containerization are incredible tools that can streamline development and reduce maintenance costs. Our team can assist in the selection, implementation, and ongoing maintenance of these technologies and more.

Peer Review

Teams of any size can benefit from having extra resources available to assist within their software development. Our staff includes seasoned developers with extensive experience in a number of traditional and next generation programming languages and development techniques, and are ready to assist your team in making sure your code is secure and error free.

Custom Software Development

From simple automation scripts to complete production ready applications, we have the resources that can assist in as little or as much of the project as you may need. We can assist with all aspects of the project, including project management, code development, testing, deployment, and complete software lifecycle management.

Infrastructure Administration

Whether your application requires a single server or consists of multiple tiers of servers deployed in different data centers, our team can assist in the monitoring and administration of your infrastructure. We have experience with the operation of both traditional on-premise and next-generation cloud based deployments.