Cybersecurity Services

We offer a wide range of cybersecurity services which can be tailored to meet the specific needs and risk profile of any organization. Services include anti-virus and ant-ransomware technologies, threat assessments, network hardening, rapid patching, and continuous monitoring.

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Services designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your information

Endpoint Security

Protect your users, their workstations and mobile devices, and your information by ensuring that they are configured in a secure manner, utilizing full disk encryption, malware protection, and more.

Ransomware Protection

A combination of anti-malware software and secure configurations prevents infections, and cloud based data backups ensures that data is protected even if malicious software makes it through the defenses.

Network Monitoring

Security focused network monitoring takes a multi-layered approach, examining your network from the inside and out to detect weakness and identify unauthorized devices quickly so that risks can be mitigated.

Device Hardening

Allow us to develop, deploy, and manage a set of secure baselines for your servers and workstations to ensure that their attack surface is minimized and the information they contain is protected.

Virus Prevention

Ensure that the data your users need and your organization relies upon are accessible, secure, and up to date with cloud based storage technologies -- with secure backup and version history for every file.

Threat Assessments

We will conduct a detailed, holistic, inside out and outside in assessment of your organizations cybersecurity posture, identifying risks, evaluating the controls against them, and making recommendations for improving your security posture.